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ગુજરાત બજેટ 2022-22
કનુભાઇ દેસાઇ બજેટ  pdf 1 // pdf 2
Our sensitive government has carried out successful planned operations from the earliest stages of the Koro epidemic to the stage of the vaccination campaign.  As a result, we have been able to prevent the great loss of human life in Gujarat due to the Koro epidemic in time.
We feel a sense of accomplishment in discharging the debts of the citizens of the state in such a responsible manner.  We sincerely thank a large number of health workers, security guards, cleaners, government and non-government employees in public order, workers of religious and charitable organizations, donors, press and media personnel as well as all my esteemed fellow MLAs present in this glorious House.
 All the service and structural works are done by our government in the last two decades such as new medical colleges, increased capacity of hospitals, new laboratories equipped with modern equipment, modern ambulance services including blood banks, availability of all kinds of medicines, new hostels including Samaras etc.
The works have proved very useful in the difficult times of the Corona epidemic.  The government has made all arrangements for the treatment of patients in all the districts of the state including Ahmedabad, Surat, Vadodara, Rajkot, Jamnagar, Bhavnagar in a very short span of time so that all the needy patients can be treated in the hospital.  Is.
A total of 738 centers have been set up in the form of Covid Hospital, Covid Health Center and Covid Care Center and arrangements have been made for puppies and 55529 beds.  On a war footing, 3410 ventilators were installed and more than 5,000 ICUs were installed.  Bed comfort was erected.  The government has provided free treatment at government hospitals and concessional rates at private hospitals for Koro’s patients, and more than 1,300 Dhanvantari Raths have provided treatment to 25 million people to deliver home-based health services.
Ayurvedic infusions and ayurvedic as well as homeopathic medicines were distributed to about two crore citizens at home to boost their immunity.  The World Health Organization (WHO) has taken note of the unprecedented work done by our government in the field of health during the Corona period and has commended this work globally.

During this difficult period, food was provided to millions of citizens of Gujarat by the Hon’ble President, Government as well as many charitable organizations, religious organizations, and donors of the state, which is a symbol of the noble spirit of our Gujaratis to do humanitarian work.

I also congratulate this survey very much.  Kisan Parivahan Yojana, Mukhyamantri Pak Sangraha Yojana, Cow Based Farming Yojana, Cow Based Farming, Livestock Assistance, Distribution of up-to-date tools to small and marginal farmers, Assistance in the construction of barbed wire fences, and Umbrella distribution to fruit and vegetable sellers through various farmer oriented schemes.
In order to double the income of farmers, the state government is working hard to stop the state’s development works such as the Narmada project, irrigation schemes, drinking water schemes, new roads and bridges.  Not given.  Many schemes to help the poor, students, women, widows, the elderly, etc. are also underway.
Thus, in spite of the decline in the revenue of the state, we have maintained the development and community-oriented schemes of the state and have ensured good governance in Gujarat through proper planning. Gujarat budget 2021-22 here

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